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This post first appeared on Piping Rock. All content is theirs.
Feel like your Fitness Routine has reached its plateau? If you're bored by your weekly workout and not getting the results you imagined, it might be time to switch things up. You're probably left wondering why that same workout that gave you results weeks ago is now losing its magic. Is there something you're doing wrong?
No! Personal plateaus are one of the most common obstacles faced by athletes, runners, and weight lifters as they strive to improve their routine and continue to exceed their personal bests. It's how you adapt during times of turmoil and frustration that determines the test of a true champion. Below are some crucial ways to ignite your Fitness Routine to regain your confidence and champion status.

9 Ways to Ignite your Fitness Routine:

1. Avoid Over-training:

This crucial piece of advice may seem obvious to some but lost on others. Some people just don't believe that there is such thing as doing "Too Much." However, overworking your body can lead to extreme fatigue, causing your body to shut down on you during a rigorous workout. It's recommended to schedule 1 or 2 rest days per week where your body can properly re-energize, and your mind can refocus.
Tip for Weight Lifters: Focus on working out different muscle groups every day. Working the same muscle group on consecutive days will impair your progress and fatigue your body.

2. Regular Sleep Schedule:

If your body is being pushed to the limit daily, it's important that you're on a consistent sleep schedule. Going to bed between 8-11 pm and waking up between 4-7 am will help your body adapt to a normal routine. In addition, make sure that you're sleeping in a cool, dark and comfortable environment to assure yourself the most quality place of rest. Eliminate all distractions and outside stress from this tranquil place.
There are a variety of Night Products that offer maximum support for overall wellness. The more you rest, the more high-powered your workouts will be the following day.

3. Find your Motivation:

Find whatever it is that lights a fire beneath you and keep that motivation with you whenever you go to work out. Whether it's training for a 5K race, getting in shape for beach season, or trying to impress on your upcoming date, there are always reasons to strive for improvement.

4. Superior Nutrition:

Any great athlete will tell you that every strong Fitness Routine starts in the kitchen. It's important that you are supplying yourself with premium sources of fuel to thrive during rigorous sessions. Start by changing your lifestyle to incorporate Organic Food Products over packaged and processed foods. Also, look to add valuable sources of protein and plenty of fruits and vegetables. 
Looking for the best superfoods to add to this week's shopping list? Check out these 15 Organic Superfoods with Incredible Nutritional Value.

5. Constant Hydration:

Hydration is crucial when you're exerting your body and pushing your limits. Lots of water is perfect post-workout to begin a proper rest period. An Electrolyte Supplement can also support your routine. Make sure to steer clear of sugary sports drinks that will cause you to quickly crash.

6. Track your Goals:

No triumph is ever accomplished without a road-map to success. It's important to write down specific goals that you want to achieve and to track your progress. Use performance measures (Running Time/Repetitions/Sets/Weight) to effectively track your progress. You'll realize how much more accountable you feel when things are in writing!

7. Learn from Professionals:

Don't be too proud to seek help in improving your Fitness Routine. There are so many professionals that have tons of experience. Hiring a personal trainer, nutritionist, fitness coach or martial arts instructor can be very valuable. However, if this is not an option for you, there are a variety of resources like classes, books, articles and online sources that have what you need. Knowledge is power! The more you learn, the better you'll be able to harness your abilities and get the most of your experience.

8. Super-Sets and Compounds Movements:

It's important to make the most of your workout time by including as many exercises as possible. What's the best way to make this happen?
Super-Sets involve multi-tasked movements that are completed consecutively without any rest periods in between. This is a great way to exert yourself in a short period of time. Compound movements like benching, squatting and dead-lifting utilize multiple muscle groups for a super-effective workout. Looking to feel the burn? Add some compound lifts and super-set exercises to your workout routine.

9. Supplementation:

The best way to optimize your training routine is by adding the right Sports Supplements to fit your personal profile. Fortunately, Piping Rock carries a deep assortment of Sports Nutrition Products to support any active lifestyle or workout routine. Ready to ramp things up? Below are some favorites that are worthy of checking out.

Whey Protein Isolate:

Piping Rock's Whey Protein Isolate is the perfect complete source of protein for after a workout. 1 Level Scoop delivers 25 grams of protein with under a gram of sugar! It also delivers a complete spectrum of Amino Acids for maximum support. This should always be the first item you reach for after a long, grueling workout!

Creatine-Extreme Monohydrate:

Ready to take things up a notch? If you're no novice to working out, you might need something in addition to your standard protein shake.
Piping Rock's Creatine Monohydrate delivers 3500 mg of support in Quick-Release Capsules. Perfect for pre-& post workout, these capsules are an easy addition to any training regimen. Support your workout today with this gym favorite!

100 % Pure MCT Oil:

MCT Oil or Medium-Chain Triglycerides are special types healthy-fats derived from coconuts.
Piping Rock's 100% Pure MCT Oil contains an abundance of essential fatty acids which offer fuel for the most demanding workouts. It's the best item to add to your Keto Product Collection and a must-have for any active routine!

Ultra Tribulus Max:

Piping Rock’s 1000 mg Ultra Tribulus Max is a bold favorite for Men’s Health. Tribulus is perfect for athletes or any man leading an active lifestyle.

ZMA Supplement:

ZMA is a powerful ingredient that has been revered by athletes and weight lifters for centuries. Piping Rock's ZMA Supplement is Gluten-Free, Non-GMO and delivers complete support for a balanced routine.

Closing Thoughts:

No matter what level of expertise or athleticism you possess, there's always room for personal growth. You must constantly strive for new ways to improve mentally, physically and emotionally to achieve success. The proper discipline and motivation can help you overcome obstacles and put you on the path to achieving your most difficult goals.

Check out more Healthy Living Tips for more Lifestyle Tips, Recipes, DIY's and Sport's Nutrition Articles.

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